One of our key aims for 2025 is to launch the MySunrise Cancer Companion App with more new Trusts across the UK. So, starting as we mean to go on, we are excited to announce that we have launched the app with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust this month.
Following the launch with The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust in late 2024, this launch with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust means that more cancer patients in the West Midlands will be able to benefit from the features of the MySunrise Cancer Companion App. With informative content and bespoke videos featuring current staff and up to date locations, it is designed to create a strong initial connection between the patient and their cancer team. Introducing patients to the hospital where they will be receiving treatment, it provides direct phone numbers and email links to contact the teams, as well as offering information about local support groups and wellbeing events.
“Having easily accessible information to signpost to our patients and staff is a huge step in the right direction with this new digital era”, said Kelly Morris, Macmillan LWBCPersonalist Care Facilitator at Walsall Healthcare Trust. “At the push of a button, we can search for all information around cancer treatment and the support on offer within our local area. This will support our roles and takeaway a huge responsibility of trying to find the right information at the right time to support our patients”.
Lead Macmillan Cancer Nurse NickyAdams added “Our patients and loved ones will be able to access theMySunrise app for any information and support needs, this will be available to them at their fingertips, in their own time and at their own convenience once downloaded. There is information on everything from money issues to psychology support, treatment pathways and local support available in Walsall, the app will provide further information links and contact numbers”.
George Brighton, Director andCo-Founder of MySunrise said: “We are excited to be launching the MySunriseCancer Companion App at the Trust. This is a free resource for patients and their families to help support them through their cancer treatment”.
“It’s been designed in partnership with the Cancer Services team at the Trust and includes a whole range of local information and links to give patients everything they need to help them through this difficult time. We’ve had some great feedback from patients and continue to seek the views of those using it to improve the app for the communities of Wolverhampton.”
The MySunrise team have previously launched versions of the app in Sandwell and West Birmingham NHSTrust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust