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MySunrise Highlights of 2024

January 31, 2025

As the year is drawing to an end we wanted to look back on an amazing time for MySunrise - Cancer Companion App, and give you a taste of what is coming in 2025! So read on to find out about MySunrise past, present and future (without the need for ghosts or any Scroogey behaviour).

The reach of the MySunrise app has grown this year and we are delighted to have launched new versions of the app in Wolverhampton and Sandwell in the West Midlands. This means that we are able to support more patients, staff and carers through their various cancer journeys with our bespoke pathways, video content and localised information.

We have also launched and updated pathways within the app to help patients undergoing or preparing for treatment for Breast, Colorectal, Endometrial, Lung, Prostate, and Head and Neck cancers, as well as a specialist pathway for Lynch Syndrome patients. We have also refined and developed key features and benefits including support groups, genomics information, links to clinical trials, pre-operative assessment, post-treatment support and a streamlined contact centre.

On top of all of this, we have engaged colleagues at events such as UKONS and the National Capacity Meeting with MSD as well as partnering with the excellent Simply Oncology podcast. It has, it’s safe to say, been a busy year but also a really rewarding one that has seen MySunrise go from strength to strength.

But you’d expect us to talk ourselves up, wouldn’t you? That’s our job, after all. You don’t have to take our word for it, however. Why not take the word of Stavroula Chante, Lead Cancer Nurse at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust; "We were thrilled to introduce the MySunrise Cancer Companion app to our patients. This app represents a significant step forward in our commitment to providing comprehensive support and empowering patients throughout their cancer treatment journey. We believe the MySunrise app will be a valuable tool, enhancing patient outcomes and improving the overall experience for our patients and their families."

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Looking Ahead to 2025

No matter how much we have achieved, however, there is still plenty more to do in 2025!

We will be increasing our reach by launching with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust in the first part of the year.

We will be securing our foothold with existing Trusts by adding pre-assessment features for our users in Wolverhampton and cancer specific pathways in the Sandwell version of the app.

To support users at the start of their cancer journey, we will be rolling out new prehabilitation features on the app. These have been built around the 3 pillars of prehab (exercise, nutrition and psychological support) and collate best in class resources from around the UK.

Finally, and perhaps most exciting of all, we will be increasing accessibility for the app by launching a new language translation feature which will allow those who don’t have English as a first language to access the information they need in a way that suits them.

PLUS, we also have some other exciting new features in development which can't wait to share with you!

MySunrise 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Our mission with MySunrise has always been to empower and support patients through providing bespoke information that helps to relieve anxiety and give back some control. As we head into our seventh year, that mission remains the same and we are keenly focused on providing more support to more patients.

All that remains is to wish you all a very happy festive season and we look forward to working with you in 2025!